Changes to commodity codes
Delete the following codes:
- 8802 4000 10
- 8802 4000 90
Replace the commodity codes with:
8802 4000 11 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 15000kg but not exceeding 38000kg
8802 4000 13 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 38000kg but not exceeding 100000kg
8802 4000 15 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 100000kg but not exceeding 124000kg
8802 4000 17 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 124000kg but not exceeding 132000kg
8802 4000 19 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 132000kg but not exceeding 140000 kg
8802 4000 21 – Of an unladen weight exceeding 140000kg
8802 4000 29 – Other
Chief has been updated.
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