Changes to commodity codes
Update the following commodity codes:
Use code 2309 9096 97 for soya bean protein concentrate containing by weight:
- 60 % (± 10 %) of crude protein
- 5 % (± 3 %) of crude fibre
- 5 % (± 3 %) of crude ash
- 3 % or more but not more than 6.9 % of starch
For use in the manufacture of animal feed products use 2309 9096 98 Other.
Delete 2825 3000 10/90 and replace with 2825 3000 00 Vanadium oxides and hydroxides.
Delete 2906 1100 10/90 and replace with 2906 1100 00 Menthol (CAS RN 1490-04-6).
Delete the following codes:
- 2914 7900 45
- 2914 7900 55
- 2917 1980 25
- 2921 4200 35
- 2921 4200 70
- 2921 4200 80
- 2921 4900 50
- 2926 9070 65
- 2927 0000 85
- 2930 9098 28
- 2930 9098 67
- 2933 2990 35
- 2933 3999 66
- 2933 4990 80
- 2934 9990 11
- 2934 9990 51
- 3204 1700 47
- 3204 1700 49
- 3824 9992 71
- 3921 9060 91
- 3926 3000 10
- 3926 9097 37
- 5407 7100 20
- 5903 9099 10
- 7019 1200 01
- 7608 2020 30
- 8501 3100 40
- 8501 3100 78
- 8501 3200 75
- 8504 4090 60
- 8714 1090 40
Delete 3917 3200 99 and replace with 3917 3200 90 Other.
Delete 3920 2080 99 and replace with 3920 2080 90 Other.
Delete 6902 9000 10/90 and replace with 6902 9000 00 Other.
Delete 8536 3030 90 and replace with 8536 3030 99 Other.
Delete 8708 2910 10/90 and replace with 8708 2910 00 for the industrial assembly of:
- pedestrian-controlled tractors of subheading 8701 10
- vehicles of heading 8703
- vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,800 cm3
- vehicles of heading 8705
Delete 8708 2990 10/90 and replace with 8708 2990 00 Other.
Delete 9003 1100 10/90 and replace with 9003 1100 00 Of plastics.
Delete 9003 1900 20/30 and insert 9003 1900 40 Of base metals.
This was updated on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system on 7 January 2019 and will appear in the March Printed Tariff.
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