UK Integrated Online Tariff

Changes to commodity codes in chapter 70 (Tariff stop press notice 16)

Find out the changes to commodity codes in the UK Trade Tariff and the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) from August 2018.


  1. Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Delete the following commodity codes 7007 1980 11, 7007 1980 19 and 7007 1980 90 and replace with -

“Having no more than 4.5mm of thickness

7007 1980 12 Uncoated
7007 1980 18 Single or double-side coated


7007 1980 80 Uncoated
7007 1980 85 Single or double-side coated
7007 1980 95 Other”

CHIEF has been updated and these changes will appear in the August 2018 of the printed Tariff.

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