SPV rates
SPV rates have been updated for the period 28 April to 11 May 2023.
Advanced notice of removal of Ireland as an exempted country from CHED-A requirements
As of 1 May, Ireland will no longer be exempt from CHED-A controls (document code C640) and certain CHED-P controls (document code N853).
This affects the following commodity codes:
CHED A controls
- 010121
- 010129
- 010130
- 010190
- 0102
- 0103
- 010410
- 010420
- 0105
- 010611
- 010612
- 010613
- 010614
- 010619
- 010620
- 010631
- 010632
- 010633
- 010639
- 010641
- 010649
- 010690
- 030111
- 030119
- 9508100010
CHED P controls
- 051110
- 0511998510
- 0511998520
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