UK Integrated Online Tariff

Tariff Stop Press Notice 31 July 2024

Update to Trade Remedies Rebar Measures for China.

Update to Trade Remedies Rebar Measures for China:

During the recent mid-year commodity code changes some commodity codes falling under Chapter 72 have been end dated. This has resulted in measure type 552 - Definitive anti-dumping duty measures on high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bar (rebar) originating in the People’s Republic of China being moved to new commodity codes.

As of 1 August 2024, measure type 552 - Definitive anti-dumping duty measures have been created for the following commodity codes:

Commodity code Classification
7228302000 Of tool steel
7228304100 Containing by weight 0,9% or more but not more than 1,15% of carbon, 0,5% or more but not more than 2% of chromium and, if present, not more than 0,5% of molybdenum
7228304900 Other
7228306100 Other
7228306900 Less than 80 mm
7228307000 Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, hot-rolled on four faces
7228308900 Other

Further information can be found in original Trade Remedies Notice 2023/03.

As the coverage of the new measures differs slightly from what is found in the original Trade Remedies Notice above, waiver code 9Y03 and footnote AD005 have been created.

9Y03: Not high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bar (rebar).

AD005: Use of document code 9Y03 constitutes a legal declaration that the products imported are not high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bar (rebar), and as such are exempt from the measure. Users of this document code must hold evidence in their records to demonstrate eligibility for the exemption and produce this to UK customs upon demand.

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