UK Integrated Online Tariff

Tariff Stop Press Notice – 7 June 2024

Update to Phytosanitary coverage

Update to Phytosanitary coverage

We explained about an issue where the exemptions on some of the phytosanitary measures were not working earlier this week. This has now been fixed and as of Saturday 8th June, the exemptions for EU countries should now work.

In addition, Defra and DBT have re-reviewed this measure and as a result, exemption 901Y has been added to more commodity codes subject to this measure. We have therefore updated the measure overview previously issued for use by software houses and traders.


As part of the BTOM changes to GB border controls, Defra have taken the opportunity to update their phytosanitary import control measure. Detailed Defra guidance is available here:

EU - High and Medium risk:

Non-EU - High and Medium risk:

A brief overview for software houses is below.

IPAFFS prenotification and phytosanitary certification import requirements (CHED-PP).

“Regulated” goods require IPAFFS prenotification and a phytosanitary certificate to import into GB. Traders will use Document code N851 to confirm they have met these requirements.

“Unregulated” goods require neither IPAFFS prenotification or phytosanitary certificates and exemption code 901Y has been created where this applies.


The measure will be set on tariff as follows:

Measure type: 360

Document code: N851 Pre-notification known as a Common Health Entry Document Plant Products (CHED PP) required for imports of regulated plants and plant products. For more information on what goods require pre-notification please refer to

Exemption code: 901Y Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS.

The following exemptions codes are removed from this measure: Y250, Y251, Y252, Y253, Y254, Y255, Y256, Y257, Y258, Y259, Y501.

Geographical areas:

New Geographical areas 4010-4020 have been created (See Annex A).

In addition, the “EU” as a country code has been added wherever an EU country is subject to this measure or is exempt from this measure. This is to ensure dual tariff validation will work.

Geographical areas 4014, 4016 and 4017 have not been created as they can be set more simply as:

4014 Geographical area 1070 with the addition of Bouvet Island.

4016 Geographical area 1011 with an exemption for new geographical area 4013 (Europe).

4017 Geographical area 1011 with exemptions for new geographical area 4010 (EU member states, Switzerland and Liechtenstein).

4020 Geographical area 1011 plus additional regions (the new “all countries” grouping for phytosanitary goods).

Geographical areas 4012 has been created for future use.

Footnotes (See Annex B for new descriptions):

Footnotes PR009, PH001, H002, PH003 and PH0010 have been removed and replaced with the footnotes in the new footnotes table. Footnotes PH0021, PH0024, PH0031 and PH0034 are for potential future use.


Code Description
4010 EU Member state, EU Liechtenstein and Switzerland (Phytosanitary Group 11)
4011 Grain (Phytosanitary Group 12)
4012 Aquatic plants (Americas, NZ, AU) (Phytosanitary Group 13)
4013 Europe (Phytosanitary Group 14)
4014/1070 Americas (Phytosanitary Group 15) – revised geographical area 1070
4015 Seeds (Phytosanitary Group 16)
4016 All countries excluding Europe (Phytosanitary Group 17) – Geographical area 1011 with Geographical area group 4013 as an exemption
4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, EU, CH, LI (Phytosanitary Group 18) – Geographical area 1011 with Geographical area group 4010 as an exemption
4018 North and Central America (Phytosanitary Group 19)
4019 North America (phytosanitary group 20)
4020 All countries (including EU as a country)

4010 | EU member states, Liechtenstein and Switzerland

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Austria AT Belgium BE Bulgaria BG Croatia HR
Cyprus CY Czechia CZ Denmark DK Estonia EE
Finland FI France FR Germany DE Greece GR
Hungary HU Ireland IE Italy IT Latvia LV
Liechtenstein LI Lithuania LT Luxembourg LU Malta MT
Netherlands NL Poland PL Portugal PT Romania RO
Slovakia SK Slovenia SI Spain ES Sweden SE
Switzerland CH            

4011 | Grain

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Afghanistan AF India IN Iran IR Iraq IQ
Mexico MX Nepal NP Pakistan PK South Africa ZA
USA US            

4012 | Aquatic plants Americas, New Zealand, Australia

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Anguilla AI Antigua and Barbuda AG Argentina AR Aruba AW
Australia AU Bahamas BS Barbados BB Belize BZ
Bermuda BM Bolivia BO Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ Bouvet Island BV
Brazil BR Canada CA Cayman Islands KY Chile CL
Colombia CO Costa Rica CR Curacao CW Dominica DM
Dominican Republic DO Ecuador EC El Salvador SV Falkland Islands FK
French Guiana GF Greenland GL Grenada GD Guadeloupe GP
Guatemala GT Guyana GY Haiti HT Honduras HN
Jamaica JM Martinique MQ Mexico MX Montserrat MS
New Zealand NZ Nicaragua NI Panama PA Paraguay PY
Peru PE Puerto Rico PR Saint Barthelemy BL Saint Kitts and Nevis KN
Saint Lucia LC Saint Martin MF Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC Sint Maarten SX
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS Suriname SR Trinidad and Tobago TT Turks and Caicos Islands TC
Uruguay UR Venezuela VE Virgin Islands (British) VG Virgin Islands (US) VI

4013 | Europe

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Albania AL Andorra AD Armenia AM Austria AT
Azerbaijan AZ Belarus BY Belgium BE Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Bulgaria BU Croatia HR Cyprus CY Czechia CZ
Denmark DK Estonia EE Faroe Islands FO Finland FI
France FR Georgia GE Germany DE Greece GR
Hungary HU Iceland IS Ireland IE Italy IT
Latvia LV Liechtenstein LI Lithuania LT Luxembourg LU
Malta MT Moldova MD Monaco MC Montenegro ME
Netherlands NL North Macedonia MK Norway NO Poland PL
Portugal PT Romania RO Russia RU San Marino SM
Serbia RS Slovakia SK Slovenia SI Spain ES
Sweden SE Switzerland CH Turkiye TR Ukraine UA

4014/1070 | Americas

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Anguilla AI Antigua and Barbuda AG Argentina AR Aruba AW
Bahamas BS Barbados BB Belize BZ Bermuda BM
Bolivia BO Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ Bouvet Island BV Brazil BR
Canada CA Cayman Islands KY Chile CL Colombia CO
Costa Rica CR Curacao CW Dominica DM Dominican Republic DO
Ecuador EC El Salvador SV Falkland Islands FK French Guiana GF
Greenland GL Grenada GD Guadeloupe GP Guatemala GT
Guyana GY Haiti HT Honduras HN Jamaica JM
Martinique MQ Mexico MX Montserrat MS Nicaragua NI
Panama PA Paraguay PY Peru PE Puerto Rico PR
Saint Barthelemy BL Saint Kitts and Nevis KN Saint Lucia LC Saint Martin MF
Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC Sint Maarten SX South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS Suriname SR
Trinidad and Tobago TT Turks and Caicos Islands TC Uruguay UR Venezuela VE
Virgin Islands (British) VG Virgin Islands (US) VI        

4015 | Seeds

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Argentina AR Australia AU Bolivia BO Brazil BR
Chile CL New Zealand NZ Uruguay UR    

4018 | North and Central America

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Bahamas BS Barbados BB Belize BZ Bermuda BM
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ Canada CA Cayman Islands KY Costa Rica CR
Cuba CU Curacao CW Dominica DM Dominican Republic DO
El Salvador SV Greenland GL Grenada GD Guadeloupe GP
Haiti HT Honduras HN Jamaica JM Martinique MQ
Mexico MX Montserrat MS Nicaragua NI Panama PA
Puerto Rico PR Saint Barthelemy BL Saint Kitts and Nevis KN Saint Lucia LC
Saint Martin MF Saint Pierre and Miquelon PM Saint Vincent and Grenadines VC Sint Maarten SX
Trinidad and Tobago TT Turks and Caicos Islands TC USA US Virgin Islands (British) VG
Virgin Islands (US) VI            

4019 | North America

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Canada CA Mexico MX USA US    

4020 | All countries

Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code Country Alpha 2 code
Afghanistan AF Albania AL Algeria DZ American Samoa AS
Andorra AD Angola AO Anguilla AI Antarctica AQ
Antigua and Barbuda AG Argentina AR Armenia AM Aruba AW
Australia AU Austria AT Azerbaijan AZ Bahamas BS
Bahrain BH Bangladesh BD Barbados BB Belarus BY
Belgium BE Belize BZ Benin BJ Bermuda BM
Bhutan BT Bolivia BO Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba BQ Bosnia and Herzegovina BA
Botswana BW Bouvet Island BV Brazil BR British Indian Ocean Territory IO
Brunei BN Bulgaria BG Burkina Faso BF Burundi BI
Cape Verde CV Cambodia KH Cameroon CM Canada CA
Cayman Islands KY Central African Republic CF Chad TD Chile CL
China CN Christmas Islands CX Cocos Islands CC Colombia CO
Comoros KM Congo (democratic republic of) CD Congo CG Cook Islands CK
Costa Rica CR Croatia HR Cuba CU Curacao CW
Cyprus CY Czechia CZ Ivory Coast CI Denmark DK
Djibouti DJ Dominica DM Dominican Republic DO Ecuador EC
Egypt EG El Salvador SV Equatorial Guinea GQ Eritrea ER
Estonia EE Eswatini SZ Ethiopia ET Falkland Islands FK
Faroe Islands FO Fiji FJ Finland FI France FR
French Guiana GF French Polynesia PF French Southern Territories TF Gabon GA
The Gambia GM Georgia GE Germany DE Ghana GH
Gibraltar GI Greece GR Greenland GL Grenada GD
Guadeloupe GP Guam GU Guatemala GT Guernsey, Alderney, Sark GG
Guinea GN Guinea-Bissau GW Guyana GY Haiti HT
Heard Island and McDonald Islands HM Vatican City VA Honduras HN Hong Kong HK
Hungary HU Iceland IS India IN Indonesia ID
Iran IR Iraq IQ Ireland IE Israel IL
Italy IT Jamaica JM Japan JP Jersey JE
Jordan JO Kazakhstan KZ Kenya KE Kiribati KI
North Korea KP South Korea KR Kuwait KW Kyrgyzstan KG
Laos LA Latvia LV Lebanon LB Lesotho LS
Liberia LR Libya LY Liechtenstein LI Lithuania LT
Luxembourg LU Macao MO Madagascar MG Malawi MW
Malaysia MY Maldives MV Mali ML Malta MT
Marshall Islands MH Martinique MQ Mauritania MR Mauritius MU
Mexico MX Micronesia FM Moldova MD Monaco MC
Mongolia MN Montenegro ME Montserrat MS Morocco MA
Mozambique MZ Myanmar MM Namibia NA Nauru NR
Nepal NP Netherlands NL New Caledonia NC New Zealand NZ
Nicaragua NI Niger NE Nigeria NG Niue NU
Norfolk Island NF North Macedonia MK Northern Marianas MP Norway NO
Oman OM Pakistan PK Palau PW Occupied Palestinian Territories PS
Panama PA Papua New Guinea PG Paraguay PY Peru PE
Philippines PH Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands PN Poland PL Portugal PT
Puerto Rica PR Qatar QA Romania RO Russia RU
Rwanda RW Saint Barthelemy BL St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SH St Kitts and Nevis KN
St Lucia LC Saint Martin MF St Pierre and Miquelon PM Saint Vincent VC
Samoa WS San Marino SM Sao Tome and Principe ST Saudi Arabia SA
Senegal SN Serbia XS Seychelles SC Sierra Leone SL
Singapore SG Sint Maarten SX Slovakia SK Slovenia SI
Solomon Islands SB Somalia SO South Africa ZA South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands GS
South Sudan SS Spain ES Sri Lanka LK Sudan SD
Suriname SR Sweden SE Switzerland CH Syria SY
Taiwan TW Tajikistan TJ Tanzania TZ Thailand TH
East Timor TL Togo TG Tokelau TK Tonga TO
Trinidad and Tobago TT Tunisia TN Turkmenistan TM Turks and Caicos Islands TC
Tuvalu TV Turkey TR Uganda UG Ukraine UA
United Arab Emirates AE UK GB US minor outlying islands UM USA US
Uruguay UY Uzbekistan UZ Vanuatu VU Venezuela VE
Vietnam VN British Virgin Islands VG US Virgin Islands VI Wallis and Futuna WF
Western Sahara EH Yemen YE Zambia ZM Zimbabwe ZW
Isle of Man IM Mayotte YT Reunion RE Svalbard and Jan Mayen SJ
Aland Islands AX            


Number Description
PH0013 Imports of all high and medium risk plants and plant products into Great Britain are required to be pre-notified on IPAFFS (CHED PP) and must have a phytosanitary certificate. Use document code N851 to import where IPAFFS (CHED PP) pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate is required.

EU - High and Medium risk

Non-EU - High and Medium risk

If you have any further questions on which goods are subject to this requirement please contact:

For imports of plants and plant products into:

England and Wales - APHA: or phone +44 300 1000 313

Scotland - SASA:
PH0014 Import of seed potatoes for planting are prohibited from all countries except EU Member States, Switzerland and Liechtenstein who must use document code N851 to import where IPAFFS (CHED PP) pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate is required.
PH0015 Import of ware potatoes are prohibited from all countries except Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, EU Member States Israel, Libya, Morocco, Serbia, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey who must use document code N851 to import where IPAFFS (CHED PP) pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate is required.
PH0016 Exemption code 901Y can be used for imports of plants and plant products that are deemed to be low risk as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required (further information can be found on the trade section on the Plant Health Portal -

Exemption code 901Y can not be used to import cut flowers using the commodity code 0603197090 of the country of combination and genus and species listed below but must use document code N851 to import where IPAFFS (CHED PP) pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate is required.

1. Aster sp., Eryngium sp., Hypericum sp., Lisianthus sp., and Trachelium sp. when they are imported from any third country other than: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canary Islands, EU Member States, Faroe Islands, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey or Ukraine.

2. Gypsophila sp. and Trachelium sp. from all countries
PH0017 Use exemption code 901Y if the consignment does not contain a regulated part of a plant as an IPAFFS (CHED PP) pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0018 Use document code N851 to import root and tubercule vegetables as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) or a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0019 Use exemption code 901Y to import cardoons as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) or a phytosanitary certificate is not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0020 Use exemption code 901Y if the consignment does not contain other regulated fresh fruit and vegetables as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0021 Use exemption code 901Y for imports of commodities which have been cooked by steaming or boiling water or are frozen as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) or a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0022 Use document code N851 for imports of Phaseolus cocineus as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) or a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0023 Use exemption code 901Y for imports of vegetable products which are not fresh and/or chilled and/or whole as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS are not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0024 Use document code N851 for imports of nuts intended for planting as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0025 Use document code N851 for imports of Fruit of the genus Rubus sp. as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0026 Use document code N851 for imports of fresh root or tuber vegetables as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0027 Use document code N851 for imports of seed or grain of Tritcium sp as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0028 Use document code N851 to import seeds for planting of the families Brassicaceae, Poaceae and Trifolium spp. as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0029 Use document code N851 for imports of seed for planting as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0030 Use document code N851 for imports of grain or seed for planting as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0031 Use document code N851 for imports of seed or grain of the genera Triticum L., Secale L. and x Triticosecale as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0032 Use document code N851 for imports of seed being used for oil or fibre production of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, Glycnie max, Linum usitatissimum and Sinapsis alba as IPAFFS pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0033 Use document code N851 for imports of Sinapis alba for sowing as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0034 Use document code N851 for imports of seed intended for planting of Capsicum sp., Solanum Lycopersicon, Pruns sp., Rubus sp., Allium cepa., or Allium porrum as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0035 Use document code N851 for imports of seeds of Castanea sp., Pinus sp., or Pseudotsuga menziesii intended for planting as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0036 Use document code N851 for imports of seeds of Medicago sativa for planting as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0037 Use document code N851 for imports of seed for planting of Brassicaceae, Poaceae, Trifolium spp., Triticum, Secale, x Triticosecale, or Brassica rapa, as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required. For all other items use exemption code 901Y as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required.
PH0038 Use exemption code 901Y if the consignment is frozen or dried or crushed or powdered as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required. For all other items use document code N851 as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.
PH0039 Use exemption code 901Y if the consignment does not contain any plant health commodities requiring IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS.

EU - High and Medium risk

Non-EU - High and Medium risk
PH0040 Use exemption code 901Y if consignment contains only new machinery as IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is not required. Document code N851 is required for used machinery that has been used for agricultural or forestry purposes as an IPAFFS pre-notification (CHED PP) and a phytosanitary certificate on IPAFFS is required.


Commodity code Coverage Waiver Footnote
0601101000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601102000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601103000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601104000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601109000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601201000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601203000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0601209000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602000000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602101000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602109000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602201000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602202000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602203000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602208000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602300010 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602300090 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602400010 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602400090 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602902000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602903000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602904100 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602904500 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602904600 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602904700 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602904800 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602905000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602907000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602909100 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602909110 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602909190 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602909910 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0602909990 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0603110000 4016 All countries excluding Europe N/A PH0013
0603120000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0603130000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0603140000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0603197090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0016
0604202000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0604204000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0604209000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0017
0701100000 4020 All countries N/A PH0014
0701901000 4020 All countries N/A PH0015
0701905000 4020 All countries N/A PH0015
0701909010 4020 All countries N/A PH0015
0701909090 4020 All countries N/A PH0015
0702000007 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0702000099 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0703101100 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0703109000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0026
0706100010 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0706100090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0018
0706900000 4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, Switzerland, Liechtenstein 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0018
0706901000 4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, Switzerland, Liechtenstein N/A PH0013
0706903000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0706909000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0018
0707000510 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0707000520 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0707000590 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0707000599 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0707009000 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709200010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFSh PH0013
0709200090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709300000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709400010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709400020 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709400090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709601000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709609100 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFF PH0013
0709609500 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709609920 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709609990 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709931000 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709939000 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709992000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0019
0709996090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709999060 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0709999090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0020
0712901100 4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, Switzerland, Liechtenstein N/A PH0013
0713101000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0713331000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0713390000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0022
0713500010 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
714100010.00 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714201000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714209000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714300010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714300089 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714300099 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714400010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714400089 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714400099 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714500010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714500089 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714500099 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714902010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714902090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0714909000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0023
0802111000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0802119000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0804400010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0806101000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0806109000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
807110000.00 4014 Americas N/A PH0013
0807190050 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0807190060 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0807190090 1070 Americas 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808101000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808108010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808108020 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808108090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808301000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808309010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808309090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0808400000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
809210000.00 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809290000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809302010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809302090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809303000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809308000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809400500 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0809409000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810100000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810201000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810209000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0025
0810301000 4018 North and Central America 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810303000 4018 North and Central America 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810309000 4018 North and Central America 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
0810400000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
0810907590 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0017
0910110000 4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, Switzerland, Liechtenstein N/A PH0013
0910300000 4017 All Countries excluding EU MS, Switzerland, Liechtenstein N/A PH0013
0910999100 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0026
1001110000 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001190012 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001190018 4011 Grain 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0027
1001190020 4011 Grain 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0027
1001190030 4011 Grain 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0027
1001911000 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001912010 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001912020 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001919000 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990013 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990015 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990040 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990050 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990060 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990092 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1001990094 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1002100000 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1002900000 4011 Grain N/A PH0013
1003100000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1004100000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1005101300 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
1005101500 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
1005101800 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
1005109000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
1006101000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1007100000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1007101000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1007109000 4015 Seeds N/A PH0013
1008210000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1008300000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0029
1008400000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0029
1008600000 4011 Grain 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0030
1008900000 4011 Grain 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013
1201100000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1204001000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1205101000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1206001000 4020 All countries N/A PH0013
1207501000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0033
1208100000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1209210000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0029
1209220000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0029
1209221000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0029
1209228000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209231100 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209231500 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209238000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209240000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209251000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209259000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209294500 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209298000 4015 Seeds 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0028
1209918010 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1209918090 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0032
1209991000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0035
1209999100 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0036
1209999910 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0037
1209999990 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0037
1211200000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0038
1211908620 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0038
1211908690 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0017
1212940000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0038
8432100000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432210000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432291000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432293000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432295000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432299000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432310000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432391100 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432391900 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432399000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432410000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432420000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432800000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8432900000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8433400000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8433510000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8433531000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8433533000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8433539000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8436801000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8436809000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701100000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701911000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
0801919000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701921000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701929000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701931000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701939000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701941000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701949000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701951000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040
8701959000 4020 All countries 901Y - Goods do not require a pre-notification to be made on IPAFFS PH0013, PH0040

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