Update to quota definition periods for Peruvian Quotas
This update is due to the Department for Business and Trade correcting their dataset entry in respect of definition periods for some Peruvian Quotas.
All other quotas should be unaffected by the leap year.
The following quota order numbers have had their definition periods amended to include 29 February 2024:
- 057170
- 057171
- 057172
- 057173
- 057174
- 057175
- 057176
- 057177
- 057178
- 057179
- 057192
- 057193
- 057194
- 057195
- 057196
- 057197
- 057198
- 057199
- 057200
- 057201
- 057202
- 057203
- 057204
- 057205
More information
To stop getting the Tariff stop press notices, or to add recipients to the distribution list, email: tariff.management@hmrc.gov.uk.