Update to Commodity Code Structure
The following commodity codes have been added as of 21 November 2023:
- 2106909285
- 2106909815
- 2106909265
- 2905490015
- 2905490085
The following commodity codes have been merged as of 21 November 2023:
- 2106909260 is being absorbed into 2106909285
- 2106909260 is being absorbed into 2106909265
Updates to Geographic Area Group:
Geographic area group Eastern and Southern Africa States have had the following countries added to it as of 28 November 2023:
- Republic of Madagascar
- Union of Comoros
Updates to Phytosanitary Coverage
Commodity code 06042020 will have 360 – Phytosanitary Certificate (import) measures added as of 1 December 2023 under each of the following geographic areas:
- 1011 - Erga Omnes
- 1013 – European Union
- Switzerland
- Liechtenstein.
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