UK Integrated Online Tariff

Tariff Stop Press Notice - 25 October 2024 Further Update

Missing Footnote AD006 for Category 1A and 1B Safeguard Measures.

Missing Footnote AD006 for Category 1A and 1B Safeguard Measures:

As we are working on resolving the issue, the content of the footnote is provided here for reference:

The Category 1B global quota has a 40% cap on imports from any individual country or territory. The global quota is administered on a first-come-first served basis and the global quota balance will be distributed accordingly. No individual country or territory is guaranteed access up to the total cap allowance. The total quota allocation and 40% cap limits can be found in trade remedies notice: 2024/08.

To access the steel safeguard category 1B global quota, the goods for which the quota is claimed must be imported for the ‘authorised use’, as defined in trade remedies notice: 2024/08 and the importer of the goods must hold or obtain, from HMRC, a full authorisation for the customs special procedure, ‘authorised use’. More information on how to apply for authorisation is available.

Authorisation holders can choose to handle their own transport and customs. Alternatively, authorisation holders may be able to use third parties to arrange transport and customs for their imports via direct representation. More information on third party representation and Customs debt liability is available. If you have any queries about authorisation to access and import under category 1B please do contact HMRC.

To make a claim to access the category 1B global quota, the authorised use authorisation number must be entered on the import declaration.

For the purpose of accurately managing the 40% cap on imports from any individual country or territory, certain countries or territories are assigned their own geographical quota. (This does not affect the rules of the quota established by trade remedies notice: 2024/08.) The relevant geographical quota order number must be entered into CDS in Data Element 8/1 when completing import declarations. More information on how to complete a customs declaration is available.

The steel safeguard category 1B global quota order numbers are as follows:

· All other countries (residual) – 058110

· India – 058111

· EU – 058112

The geographical quotas that make up the category 1B global quota are potentially subject to change mid-way through the administration period to reflect the trade flows at the time. Any change to quota order numbers will be published online.

The global quota balance can be identified by the sum of the geographical quota balances.

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