Update to Commodity Code Structure to maintain dynamic alignment with the EU.
The following commodity codes have been absorbed as of 17 February 2024:
- 7019130090 is being absorbed into 7019130092
- 7019130090 is being absorbed into 7019130094
- 7019130095 is being absorbed into 7019130094
- 7019190010 is being absorbed into 7019190020
- 7019190010 is being absorbed into 7019190030
- 7019190090 is being absorbed into 7019190080
- 7019190090 is being absorbed into 7019190085
The following commodity codes have been created as of 17 February 2024:
- 7019130085
- 7019130087
- 7019130092
- 7019130094
- 7019190020
- 7019190030
- 7019190080
- 7019190085
The following commodity codes have been absorbed as of 30 June 2024:
- 8505111047 is being absorbed into 8505111099
Update to 103 - Third country duty measure coverage.
This update is due to updates to the commodity code structure to maintain dynamic alignment with the EU. 103 - Third country duty rate measures have been set on the following commodity codes as of 22/02/2024:
- 2903898055
- 2903998088
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