New commodity codes added to tariff as of 18 August 2023:
Commodity code | Classification |
1518009931 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
1518009510 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
New commodity codes added to tariff as of 23 August 2023:
Commodity code | Classification |
4412331010 | Consigned from türkiye |
4412331020 | Consigned from kazakhstan |
4412331090 | Other |
Commodity codes merged as of 18 August 2023:
- 1518009930 is being absorbed into 1518009931
- 3824999220 is being absorbed into 3824999215
- 3824999212 is being absorbed into 3824999214
Description updates to commodity codes as of 18 August 2023:
Commodity code | New Classification |
1516209839 | Other |
2710194331 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
2710201121 | Consigned from canada |
3824999210 | Consigned from canada |
3824999215 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
3826009031 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
1518009510 | Consigned from the united kingdom |
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