For preferential tariff claims made in the UK under the UK-EU TCA, the Statement on Origin must refer to the origin of the goods as “the Union”. This requirement is set out in the TCA and has not changed.
For UK statistical purposes, import declarations made in the UK now require the data elements to be entered as set out below:
General Guidance for CHIEF Users:
Box 15a (Country of dispatch) completion requirements
Enter the relevant country code for the country from which the goods were initially dispatched to the UK.
Box 34a (Country of origin) completion requirements
Enter the country code of origin. This should be the individual code for the country, not a country group code.
If claiming preference and the trade agreement is with a group of countries, enter the exporter’s country. If this is unknown, it is acceptable to enter any country within that group of countries involved in the production of the good. This level of information is required purely for UK domestic statistical analysis purposes and does not affect the applicability for preference.
If claiming preference and the country of non-preferential origin is different from the country of origin, enter the country of origin as determined above.
Please note, this only applies to entries on customs declarations: the origin stated on the proof of origin must be at the group of country level.
Box 36 (Preference indicator) completion requirements
Enter the three-digit code to indicate the type of preference being claimed, e.g. from the 200 series for GSP or 300 for trade agreements such as the UK-EU TCA.
Box 44 (Item documents) completion requirements
Enter the document code and document identifier for the preferential proof of origin.
A preferential proof of origin, such as a Statement on Origin, should identify the preference being claimed (e.g. GSP) and the origin of the goods in accordance with the specific agreement under which it is being claimed, e.g. ‘Japan’ if under the UK-Japan CEPA or ‘the Union’ if under the UK-EU TCA.
EU-UK FTA Preference declaration on CHIEF:
Box 15a (Country of dispatch) completion requirements
This is the country of export/dispatch to the UK.
Where the goods are being exported from the EU, this should be the individual code for the Member State of export, e.g. FR for France
Box 34a (Country of origin) completion requirements
Enter the exporter’s EU Member State †.
If this is unknown, it is acceptable to enter any Member State involved in the production of the good.
This level of information is required purely for UK domestic statistical analysis purposes and does not affect the applicability for preference.
NOTE: The Statement on Origin document must be completed in accordance with Annex 7 of the TCA and refer to ‘the Union’ as the preferential origin of the goods.
† The Member State may be identified through the accompanying commercial documentation or the REX code on a Statement on Origin.
Box 36 (Preference indicator) completion requirements
Must be completed with a code in the 300 series
Box 44 (Item documents) completion requirements
Enter the document code and document identifier for the preferential proof of origin.
Must include one of the following codes, as appropriate:
U110 – if the claim is based on a ‘statement on origin’ for a single shipment
U111 – if the claim is based on a ‘statement on origin’ for multiple shipments of identical products to cover a 12-month period
U112 – if the claim is based on importers knowledge.
Non-preference declaration on CHIEF:
Box 15a (Country of dispatch) completion requirements
This is the code for the country of export/dispatch to the UK.
Where the goods are being exported from the EU, this should be the individual code for the Member State of export, e.g. “FR” for France
Box 34a (Country of origin) completion requirements
This must be the code for the country of the non-preferential origin of the goods, e.g., China = “CN”
Box 36 (Preference indicator) completion requirements
Must be completed with a code in the 100 series
Box 44 (Item documents) completion requirements
Must be completed in accordance with the commodity code and/ or procedure code being declared.
Please note that the CDS system changes have not yet taken effect. Further information will be issued in due course.