Notice of initiation of a safeguard investigation concerning imports of Indica rice originating in Cambodia and Myanmar
The Commission launched a safeguard investigation on 16 March 2018, Official Journal, decision number 2018/C 100/13.
The investigation will determine whether the volume with or without prices of imports of semi-milled and milled Indica rice, originating in Cambodia and Myanmar, is causing serious difficulties to Union producers of like or competing products.
This product is currently exempt from customs duties through the Generalised System of Preferences.
The outcome of this investigation could result in the re-introduction of Common Customs Tariff duties on imports of this product, when it originates in the countries concerned.
For information only, the product concerned is currently classified within the following commodity codes:
- 1006 3027
- 1006 3048
- 1006 3067
- 1006 3098
Interested parties wishing to make submissions to the Commission must do so within the time limits set. Read Official Journal, decision number 2018/C 100/13 for details.
The investigation will be concluded within 12 months.
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