UK Integrated Online Tariff

Importers of aluminium extrusions from China (Tariff stop press notice 7)

Importers of aluminium extrusions will need to give HMRC a guarantee for the provisional duty amount in the form of cash, bond, or a bank guarantee, while this duty applies.

Importing aluminium extrusions from China

A provisional anti-dumping duty on aluminium extrusions from China is being introduced. Importers of these products will need to provide HMRC with a guarantee for the provisional duty amount in the form of cash, bond, or a bank guarantee, while the provisional duty applies.

From 17 August 2022, the following changes will take effect:

  • a provisional tariff will apply to goods from China, falling within the commodity codes listed at the end of this notice — the provisional tariff is to be covered by the guarantee and is not payable during the period of the provisional remedy
  • duty rates between 9.50% and 22.35% will apply to imports from Chinese companies (detailed in this notice), that have cooperated with the Trade Remedies Authority investigation
  • for all other Chinese exporters, a duty rate of 128.17% will apply
  • importers of goods from China must provide a guarantee in the form of cash, a bond or a bank guarantee, equal to the estimated amount of provisional anti-dumping duty due on their imports

Payment and Reimbursement

Importers are able to provide either a bank guarantee, secure a bond or pay in cash to receive goods. There are some important differences in the way money is taken using different payment methods:

  • for those who provide a bank guarantee — the guaranteed amount will only become payable if definitive measures are imposed (the amount payable will be the duty rate set out in the definitive measures)
  • for those who secure a bond — HMRC will offer a reimbursement through usual channels, if a definitive measure is not imposed or if the definitive duty rate is less than the provisional duty rate
  • for those who pay a cash deposit — HMRC will offer a reimbursement through usual channels, if a definitive measure is not imposed or if the definitive duty rate is less than the provisional duty rate

Action to take

Importers of goods affected by this measure who wish to provide security for the provisional anti-dumping duty using a bank guarantee, must apply to HMRC for a general guarantee account.

Find guidance on how to apply for a general guarantee account.

The public file section of the Trade Remedies Authority website is regularly updated with information relating to the case. Interested parties can use this to increase their understanding of the investigation.

Ask about guarantees

Email guarantee queries to HMRC:

Ask about the Investigation

Email questions about the investigation to the Trade Remedies Authority:

Additional Codes

Goods with a weight per metre over 14 kg per metre are included in the provisional measures, but additional codes are required to track these until a final determination is made at the end of the investigation.

Company Duty Rate Code
Haomei Group and weight per metre 14kg per metre and below 19.93% 8A02
Haomei Group and weight per metre above 14kg per metre 19.93% 8A07
Non-cooperating exporters and weight per metre 14kg per metre and below 128.17% 8A99
Non-cooperating exporters and weight per metre above 14kg per metre 128.17% 8A09
Non-sampled cooperating exporters and and weight per metre 14kg per metre and below 20.86% 8A03
Non-sampled cooperating exporters and weight per metre above 14kg per metre 20.86% 8A08
Press Metal International Group and weight per metre 14kg per metre and below 22.35% 8A00
Press Metal International Group and weight per metre above 14kg per metre 22.35% 8A05
Shandong Nanshan and weight per metre 14kg per metre and below 9.50% 8A01
Shandong Nanshan and weight per metre above 14kg per metre 9.50% 8A06
The following goods imported from China are exempt from the anti-dumping duties: aluminium extrusions with a maximum cross-sectional dimension of greater than 310mm 0.00% 8A04

Co-operating exporters

Imports from the following exporters will pay the duty rates shown in the table.

Company Duty rate Additional Code (goods 14 kg per metre and below) Additional Code (goods over 14 kg per metre)
Guangdong Haomei New Materials Co., Ltd 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Guangdong King Metal Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Haomei Aluminium Products Company Ltd (Hong Kong) 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Press Metal International Ltd (China) 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Press Metal International Technology Ltd (China) 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Press Metal UK Limited 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co., Ltd 9.50% 8A01 8A06
Yantai Jintai International Trade Co., Ltd 9.50% 8A01 8A06

Non-sampled exporters

Company Duty rate Additional Code (goods 14 kg per metre and below) Additional Code (goods over 14 kg per metre)
Guangdong Haomei New Materials Co., Ltd 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Guangdong King Metal Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Haomei Aluminium Products Company Ltd (Hong Kong) 19.93% 8A02 8A07
Press Metal International Ltd (China) 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Press Metal International Technology Ltd (China) 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Press Metal UK Limited 22.35% 8A00 8A05
Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co., Ltd 9.50% 8A01 8A06
Yantai Jintai International Trade Co., Ltd 9.50% 8A01 8A06

Non-cooperating exporters

Imports from the following exporters will pay the duty rates shown in the table.

Company Duty rate Code (goods 14 kg per metre and below) Code (goods over 14 kg per metre)
PanAsia Aluminium (China) Limited 128.17% 8A99 8A09
PanAsia Enterprises (Nanyang) Company Limited 128.17% 8A99 8A09
All other exporters from China 128.17% 8A99 8A09

Goods description

Certain aluminium extrusion products originating from China described as bars, rods, profiles (whether or not hollow), tubes, pipes; unassembled; whether or not prepared for use in structures (for example, cut to length, drilled, bent, chamfered, threaded) made from aluminium whether or not alloyed, containing not more than 99.3% aluminium (“the product”).

The product is commonly referred to as ‘aluminium extrusions’, referring to its most common manufacturing process even if it can also be produced by other production processes such as rolling, forging or casting.

The goods do not include the following:

  • aluminium structures or parts of structures — with the exception of bars, rods, profiles (whether or not hollow), tubes, pipes, unassembled, not welded, made from aluminium, whether or not alloyed, containing not more than 99.3% of aluminium
  • subassemblies
  • products that are imported in ‘finished goods kit’
  • welded tubes and pipes — a tube or pipe produced by longitudinally or spirally seam welding a die or roll-formed flat-rolled semi-product (strip or sheet)

Extrusions with a maximum cross-sectional diameter of more than 310mm are also excluded from the provisional measures.

Exports excluded from the provisional remedy

Duty rate Goods description Additional code
0% Extrusions with a maximum cross-sectional diameter of more than 310mm are also excluded from the provisional remedies. 8A04

UK Global Tariff commodity codes affected

The following commodity codes are subject to provisional anti-dumping duty.

  • 7604101011
  • 7604101090
  • 7604109011
  • 7604109019
  • 7604109025
  • 7604109029
  • 7604109080
  • 7604109089
  • 7604210010
  • 7604210090
  • 7604291010
  • 7604291030
  • 7604291040
  • 7604291090
  • 7604299010
  • 7604299020
  • 7604299090
  • 7608100011
  • 7608100019
  • 7608100020
  • 7608100080
  • 7608100089
  • 7608208110
  • 7608208190
  • 7608208910
  • 7608208920
  • 7608208930
  • 7608208990
  • 7610909010

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