Certain steel products are subject to safeguard measures when imported to free circulation into UK from countries, including the EU.
Safeguards are due unless you correctly claim the appropriate quotas for their products, (unless there is a country exemption).
To claim a quota you must enter the appropriate quota number in either:
- box 39 for Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system declarations
- Data Element 8/1 for Custom Declaration Service declarations
If the quotas are exhausted or are claimed incorrectly your goods will be liable to safeguard duties of 25%.
Post clearance claim to quotas
If you have incorrectly used the duty override (DTY) facility on your customs declaration instead of making a quota claim, and where there is still quota available, you must correct it by submitting a post clearance amendment quota claim using form C285 to the National Duty Repayment Centre.
Any claim will be subject to the following quota availability and will be allocated on a ‘first come first served’ basis:
- entries from 1 January to 31 March – out of time to be corrected
- entries from 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021 – can be corrected if the appropriate quotas have not exhausted
- entries from 1 July 2021 to date – the time limit for correction is 27 October
Any claim, where possible, will be allocated by the date the quota claim is made, not the date the goods were customs cleared.
Post clearance customs duty liability
If you have used an override incorrectly and it is no longer possible to claim a quota, you will be liable to pay the 25% safeguard.
If you have already finalised your import declaration you can pay the safeguard by making a voluntary disclosure.
More information
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