From 1 January 2022, the following changes will take effect:
Quotas for UK Steel Safeguard Category (N) 12, Alloy and other alloy merchant bars and light sections can no longer be used.
The commodity codes listed in the Terminated Category 12 UK Global Tariff commodity codes section will no longer be subject to the safeguard measure.
The previous Category 12 quota will be split and replaced by 2 new quota product categories, with revised quota amounts for:
For Category 12A, a country specific quota for China will apply.
All tariff quota claims made between 1 and 3 January 2022 will be treated as having been made at the same time. After this date, first come first serve quota claims will be prioritised based on their declaration acceptance date.
Any remaining quota balance in the Other Countries quota, ref. 058017 will be added proportionately, to the balances of the new 058102 and 058105 and 058099 quotas on the afternoon of 31 January 2022.
No post clearance claims to the 058017 quota will be accepted after this time.
Goods Category 12A - Alloy merchant bars and light sections
Category 12A Q3 quota numbers
New quota reference numbers:
- China 058099
- EU 058100
- Turkey 058101
- Other countries 058102
UK Global Tariff commodity codes in Category 12A
- 7228 30 20 10
- 7228 30 20 90
- 7228 30 41 10
- 7228 30 41 90
- 7228 30 61 10
- 7228 30 61 90
- 7228 30 69 10
- 7228 30 69 90
- 7228 30 70 10
- 7228 30 70 90
- 7228 30 89 10
- 7228 30 89 90
- 7228 60 20 10
- 7228 60 20 90
- 7228 70 10 00
Goods Category 12B Non-alloy merchant bars and light sections
Category 12B Q3 quota numbers
New quota reference numbers:
- EU 058103
- Turkey 058104
- Other countries 058105
UK Global Tariff commodity codes in Category 12B
- 7214 30 00 10
- 7214 30 00 90
- 7214 91 10 10
- 7214 91 10 90
- 7214 91 90 10
- 7214 91 90 90
- 7214 99 31 00
- 7214 99 39 00
- 7214 99 50 00
- 7214 99 71 00
- 7214 99 79 10
- 7214 99 79 90
- 7214 99 95 10
- 7214 99 95 90
- 7215 90 00 10
- 7215 90 00 90
- 7216 10 00 00
- 7216 21 00 00
- 7216 22 00 00
- 7216 40 10 00
- 7216 40 90 00
- 7216 50 10 00
- 7216 50 91 00
- 7216 50 99 00
- 7216 99 00 10
- 7216 99 00 90
Terminated safeguard measures (no safeguard duties or quota applies)
Terminated quota reference numbers
- EU 058016
- Turkey 058862
- Other countries 058017
Terminated Category 12 UK Global Tariff commodity codes
- 7228 10 20 00
- 7228 20 10 91
- 7228 20 91 00
- 7228 30 49 90
- 7228 60 80 90
- 7228 70 90 90
- 7228 20 10 10
- 7228 20 10 99
- 7228 30 49 10
- 7228 60 80 10
- 7228 70 90 10
- 7228 80 00 00
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