Changes to commodity codes
Delete the following commodity codes 0201100010, 0201100091, 0201100093, 0201100099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201100021 Of bison
0201100029 Other
Carcases of a weight of 180kg or more but not exceeding 300kg and half-carcases, of a weight of 90kg or more but not exceeding 150kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the symphysis pubis and the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour:
0201100092 Of bison
0201100094 Other
0201100097 Of bison
0201100098 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0201202010, 0201202091, 0201202093, 0201202099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201202021 Of bison
0201202029 Other
‘Compensated’ quarters, of a weight of 90kg or more but not exceeding 150kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the symphysis pubis and the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour:
0201202092 Of bison
0201202094 Other
0201202097 Of bison
0201202098 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0201203010, 0201203091, 0201203093, 0201203099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201203021 Of bison
0201203029 Other
Separated forequarters of a weight of 45kg or more but not exceeding 75kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour:
0201203092 Of bison
0201203094 Other
0201203097 Of bison
0201203098 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0201205010, 0201205020, 0201205090, and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201205021 Of bison
0201205029 Other
Separated hindquarters of a weight of 45kg or more but not exceeding 75kg (38kg or more but not exceeding 68kg in the case of ‘Pistola’ cuts), with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (more especially those of the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour:
0201205092 Of bison
0201205094 Other
0201205097 Of bison
0201205098 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0201209010, 0201209020, 0201209090, and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201209011 Of bison
0201209015 Other
0201209091 Of bison
0201209099 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0201300010, 0201300020, 0201300030, 0201300090 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0201300031 Of bison
0201300039 Other
Buffalo meat:
0201300041 Of bison
0201300049 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202100010, 0202100020, 0202100090, and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202100011 Of bison
0202100015 Other
0202100091 Of bison
0202100099 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202201010, 0202201020, 0202201090 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202201011 Of bison
0202201015 Other
0202201091 Of bison
0202201099 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202203010, 0202203020, 0202203093, 0202203095, 0202203097, 0202203099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202203011 Of bison
0202203015 Other
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0202203081 Of bison
0202203082 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0202203083 Of bison
0202203084 Other
0202203085 Of bison
0202203086 Other
0202203087 Of bison
0202203088 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202205010, 0202205020, 0202205090 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202205011 Of bison
0202205015 Other
0202205091 Of bison
0202205099 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202209010, 0202209020, 0202209090 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202209011 Of bison
0202209015 Other
0202209091 Of bison
0202209099 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202301010, 0202301020, 0202301093, 0202301095, 0202301097, 0202301099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202301011 Of bison
0202301015 Other
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0202301081 Of bison
0202301082 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0202301083 Of bison
0202301084 Other
0202301085 Of bison
0202301086 Other
0202301087 Of bison
0202301088 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202305010, 0202305020, 0202305093, 0202305095, 0202305097, 0202305099 and replace with:
High quality of beef and veal:
0202305011 Of bison
0202305015 Other
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0202305081 Of bison
0202305082 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0202305083 Of bison
0202305084 Other
0202305085 Of bison
0202305086 Other
0202305087 Of bison
0202305088 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0202309010, 0202309020, 0202309050, 0202309055, 0202309060, 0202309065 and replace with:
High quality:
0202309011 Of bison
0202309015 Other
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0202309041 Of bison
0202309042 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0202309043 Of bison
0202309044 Other
0202309045 Of bison
0202309046 Other
0202309047 Of bison
0202309048 Other
Description change for 0202309070
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)
Delete the following commodity codes 0206109510, 0206109520, 0206109590 and replace with:
Of high quality:
0206109511 Of bison
0206109515 Other
0206109591 Of bison
0206109599 Other
Delete the following commodity codes 0206299110, 0206299120, 0206299131, 0206299132, 0206299134, 0206299136, 0206299139, 0206299140, 0206299150, 0206299160, 0206299170, and replace with:
Thin skirt, whole:
0206299111 Of bison
0206299115 Other
0206299121 Of bison
0206299129 Other
Thin skirt, whole:
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0206299133 Of bison
0206299135 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0206299137 Of bison
0206299138 Other
0206299141 Of bison
0206299142 Other
0206299144 Of bison
0206299145 Other
Intended for processing:
For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight;
the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products):
0206299151 Of bison
0206299159 Other
For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products):
0206299161 Of bison
0206299169 Other
0206299191 Of bison
Delete the following commodity code 0210209010 and replace with:
Cuts of meat from haunches of bovine animals aged at least 18 months, with no visible intramuscular fat (3 to 7 %) and a pH of the fresh meat between 5.4 and 6.0;
salted, seasoned, pressed, dried only in fresh dry air and developing noble mould (bloom of microscopic fungi);
the weight of the finished product is between 41 % and 53 % of the raw material before salting:
0210 2090 11 Of bison
0210 2090 15 Other
The changes will appear in CHIEF on 5 October 2018, and in the January 2019 reprint of the printed Tariff.
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