Chapter 73
73251000 10 amend text to Channel gratings and cast tops subject to standard EN 1433, to be fitted as a component on channels in polymer, plastic, galvanised steel or concrete allowing surface water to flow into the channel.
Insert the following commodity codes:
- 73251000 15 floor drains, roof drains, cleanouts and covers for cleanouts, subject to standard EN 1253
- 73251000 20 amend text to Step irons, lifting keys, and fire hydrants
- 73259910 30 amend text to Channel gratings and cast tops subject to standard EN 1433, to be fitted as a component on channels in polymer, plastic, galvanised steel or concrete allowing surface water to flow into the channel
Insert the following commodity codes:
- 73259910 35 floor drains, roof drains, cleanouts and covers for cleanouts, subject to standard EN 1253
- 73259910 40 amend text to Step irons, lifting keys, and fire hydrants
CHIEF has been updated. These changes will appear in the May 2018 of the printed Tariff.
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