UK Integrated Online Tariff

Customs Declaration Service reference codes (Tariff stop press notice 26)

Find out the changes to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) version of volume 3 of the UK Trade Tariff reference codes.

Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.

These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.

Appendix 5A: DE 2/3 Documents and other reference codes (Union)

In column 4 entitled ‘Details to be declared on the declaration’, please note the following amendments:

  • C406 - replace C405 with C406
  • C514 - delete text ‘alpha numeric code….. Supplementary Declaration’, and replace with ‘Followed by the authorisation reference number’
  • C651 - replace C640 with C651
  • C666 - add the following text ‘This document code is connected with document code C668’
  • C667 - remove the first paragraph, and replace with ‘Enter: Certificate not held. Laboratory analysis required’
  • C668 - add the following text ‘This document code is connected with document code C666’
  • C688 - replace A017 with C688
  • E013 - replace E012 with E013
  • X002 - replace 9105 with X002

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