Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.
These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.
Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and previous procedure codes
Requested procedure 07: Release for free circulation with simultaneous entry to an excise warehouse
In the subheading ‘Union Additional Procedure Codes’ insert ‘A04’ in the following 1/10 procedure codes: 0751, 0754.
Requested procedure 44: Release to free circulation with duty relief granted under the End Use Special Procedure
In the subheading ‘National additional procedure codes’ insert ‘48P’ in the following 1/10 procedure code: 4421.
Requested procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to free circulation
In the subheading ‘National additional procedure codes’ insert ‘1RE, 1RV’ in the following 1/10 procedure codes: 6110, 6111, 6123.
Requested procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to free circulation
In the subheading ‘Union additional procedure codes’ insert ‘F03’ in the following 1/10 procedure code: 6111.
Requested procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to free circulation
In the subheading ‘Union additional procedure codes’ insert ‘B06’ in the following 1/10 procedure code: 6122.
Requested procedure 61: Re-importation with simultaneous release to free circulation
In the subheading ‘Notes’ in the 3rd paragraph: ‘However, to benefit from this relief Additional Procedure Code B06 must have also been entered on the previous export declaration’.
Remove B06 and replace with B53.
Appendix 2: DE 1/11: Additional procedure codes
Additional procedure code 1-series
In the subheading ‘Notes’ insert ‘6110, 6111, 6123’ in the following 1/11 additional procedure codes: 1RE and 1RV.
Additional procedure code A-series
In the subheading ‘Notes’ insert ‘0751, 0754’ in the following 1/11 additional procedure code: A04.
Additional procedure code F-series
In the subheading ‘Excise Duty’, remove ‘F01’ in the last sentence and replace with ‘F02’, in the following 1/11 additional procedure code: F02.
Additional procedure code F-series
In the subheading ‘Notes’ remove ‘F04’ in second paragraph and replace with ‘F05’, in the following 1/11 additional procedure code: F05.
Additional procedure code F-series
In the subheading ‘Excise Duty’ insert ‘6111’ in the following 1/11 additional procedure code: F03.
4-digit to 3-digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix
For Data Element (DE) 1/10 4 digit procedure codes 0751, 0754
In column: 1/11 - Union, insert ‘A04’.
For DE 1/10 4-digit procedure codes 6110, 6111, 6123
In column 1: 1/11 National SERIES 1, insert ‘1RE, 1RV’.
For DE 1/10 4-digit procedure code 6111
In column 1/11 - Union, insert ‘F03’.
For DE 1/10 4-digit procedure codes 6110, 6111, 6123
In column 1: 1/11 National SERIES 1, insert ‘1RE, 1RV’.
For DE 1/10 4-digit procedure codes 4421
In column 4: 1/11 National SERIES 4, insert ‘48P’.
For DE 1/11 codes
In column 2: 1/10 remove ‘4400, 4421, 4422, 4451, 4471, 4478’ against the following 1/11 additional procedure code: 1VW.
For DE 1/11 codes
In column 2: 1/10 insert ‘6110, 6111, 6123’ against the following 1/11 additional procedure codes: 1RE and 1RV.
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