- Appendix 4: DE 2/2: Additional information statement codes
- Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and previous procedure codes
- Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and previous procedure codes
- 4-Digit to 3-Digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix
- Appendix 5A: DE 2/3 Documents and other reference codes (national)
Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.
These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.
Appendix 4: DE 2/2: Additional information statement codes
For AI statement code VAT03 - in column ‘Description and usage of code’, remove the following text ‘Note: PRO10 may only be used where AI code 00100 is also declared in DE 2/2’.
Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and previous procedure codes
Requested procedure 42: Release for free circulation with simultaneous onward supply to another member state.
In the subheading ‘Declaration type (DE 1/1)’, remove ‘Enter: IM’ and insert: ‘Enter: IM, or CO’ in the following 1/10 procedure codes: 4200, 4221, 4251, 4253, 4254, 4271, 4278’.
Appendix 1: DE 1/10: Requested and previous procedure codes
Requested procedure 44: Release to free circulation with duty relief granted under the end use special procedure.
In the subheadings ‘Additional declaration type (DE 1/2)’, ‘Additional declaration type B (DE 1/2) Modified I1 Data Set’, remove ‘1MO’ from the following 1/10 procedure codes: 4400, 4421, 4422, 4451, 4453, 4471, 4478.
4-Digit to 3-Digit procedure to additional procedure code correlation matrix
For Data Element (DE) 1/10 4 digit procedure code 5300, in ‘column 2: 1/11 National SERIES 2’ remove ‘2CD and 2CG’.
For Data Element (DE) 1/10 4 digit procedure code 4421 in ‘column 2: 1/11 National SERIES 2, insert: 2MO’.
Appendix 5A: DE 2/3 Documents and other reference codes (national)
For document code 9101 in column ‘Details to be entered on the declaration’, remove 9100 and replace with 9101.
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