Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.
These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.
Customs Freight Simplified Procedures excluded procedure codes and additional procedure codes
Data Element (DE) 1/11 national additional procedure codes
For code 1IL replace:
- ‘EIDR SDP’ with ‘No exclusions’ in the excluded column
- ‘None’ with ‘EIDR SDP’ in the permitted column
Appendix 2b additional procedure code 1 - series
1IL: Single recipient low value in excess of £15 but not exceeding £135
In the heading ‘Restrictions on usage’, remove the text ‘This Additional Procedure Code is excluded from Simplified Declaration Procedures (SDP) and Entry in Declarant Records (EIDR)’.
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