Due to ongoing development of the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified some changes to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.
Appendix 5A: data element 2/3 documents and other reference codes (Union)
The contents of column 2 should be replaced with the following for the document codes listed.
Document code to be declared | Import (I), export (E) or both (B) |
C501 | B |
C502 | B |
C503 | B |
C504 | B |
C505 | B |
C506 | B |
C509 | B |
C510 | B |
C511 | B |
C512 | B |
C513 | B |
C514 | B |
C516 | B |
C517 | B |
C518 | B |
C519 | B |
C520 | B |
C521 | B |
C522 | B |
C523 | B |
C524 | B |
C525 | B |
C626 | B |
C627 | B |
D019 | B |
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