UK Integrated Online Tariff

Customs Declaration Service category data sets (Tariff stop press notice 36)

Find out about amendments to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) volume 3 of the UK Trade Tariff category data sets.

Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.

These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.

Appendix 21 Declaration Category Data Sets Reading Notes

Add the following new note as number 12g, ‘Mandatory where a recognised identification number is held or where DE 3/1 is not completed’.

In note (46c) replace ‘Qota’ with ‘Quota’.

Appendix 21A Declaration Category Data Sets (H1)

In DE 3/2 - add (12g) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 4/1 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 4/4 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 4/9 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 4/11 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 4/13 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 5/21 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.

Appendix 21B Declaration Category Data Sets (H2)

In DE 2/1 - delete Note (7).
In DE 2/2 - add (7) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 5/15 - add (28) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/2 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/3 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.

Appendix 21C Declaration Category Data Sets (H3)

In DE 2/6 - add following text to ‘Note’ column - mandatory where deferment is used.
In DE 3/2 - add (12g) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/2 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/16 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/17 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/2 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/3 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/6 - add (50) to ‘Note’ column.

Appendix 21D Declaration Category Data Sets (H4)

In DE 2/6 - add the following text to ‘Note’ column - mandatory where deferment is used.
In DE 3/2 - add (12g) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 3/21 - move text ‘(12c)’ from ‘Symbol’ column to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/2 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/16 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/17 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/2 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 8/3 - add (49) to ‘Note’ column.

Appendix 21E Declaration Category Data Sets (H5)

In DE 2/6 - add following the text to ‘Note’ column - mandatory where deferment is used.

In DE 3/2 - add (12g) to ‘Note’ column.

In DE 4/10 - grey out row and add asterisk and additional Note -

SAD box number DE number DE name Symbol Note
22 4/10 Invoice currency*    

Note - DE 4/10 is not declared as a separate data element however, a currency must always be declared against any monetary amount entered on the declaration.

In DE 4/13 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/2 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/16 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 6/17 - add (31a) to ‘Note’ column.
In DE 7/5 - add (41) to ‘Note’ column.

Appendix 21F Declaration Category Data Sets (I1)

In DE 3/2 - add (12g) to ‘Note’ column in DE 4/8 - add ‘X’ to symbol column in DE 4/10 - grey out row and add asterisk and additional Note -

SAD box number DE number DE name Symbol Note
22 4/10 Invoice currency*    

Note - DE 4/10 is not declared as a separate data element, however a currency must always be declared against any monetary amount entered on the declaration.

In DE 4/14 - add (22a) to ‘Note’ column in DE 4/17 - change ‘A’ in symbol column to ‘D’ In DE 5/14 - change ‘A’ in symbol column to ‘D’.

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See the UK Trade Tariff for the full duty rate, unit of quantity, preferences, quotas, footnotes and VAT rate.

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