UK Integrated Online Tariff

Customs Declaration Service additional information statement codes (Tariff stop press notice 25)

Find out the changes to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) version of volume 3 of the UK Trade Tariff national and union codes.

Due to ongoing development of the CDS system, and refinements to declaration completion requirements, we’ve identified amendments to previously circulated CDS volume 3 information.

These are the details of the amendments you need to know about.

Appendix 4: DE 2/2: Additional information statement codes

Against code: CCR01 - delete existing text in column entitled ‘Details to be entered on the declaration’. Insert the following text ‘Enter the Charities Commission or Office of the Scottish Charities Regulator, registration number’.

Table 1: Codes which may be declared on both import and export declarations

Under national codes, insert the following code between IRQ0B and MIB01:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
IRQ0F Request for certification of attached end use/destination control copy T5.  

Under national codes, insert the following code between POD06 and PREMS:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
POD07 - POD24 Period greater than 6 months up to a maximum of 24 months - input the appropriate number of months as respective code 07 to 24  

Table 2: Codes which may only be declared on an import declaration

Under union codes, insert the following code between 10700 and national codes:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
40100 Request for a longer period of validity of the proof of the customs status of union goods ‘Longer period of validity of the proof of the customs status of union goods’

‘Longer period of validity of the proof of the customs status of union goods’

Under national codes, insert the following codes between GEN3C and GEN13:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN06 Biological sample imported under the arrangements of BO 42324/53. Only to be opened under MOD (PE supervision)  
GEN08 This importation of scrap metal is for smelting only  
GEN09 Total dry extract does not exceed the permitted quantity  
GEN10 I/We request delivery on deposit under the C&E Management Act 1979 Section 119 and Tariff Notes Chapter 7 Special Directive 4 pending determination of the quantity on which duty is to be charged  
GEN11 Trailer imported under the terms of our general undertaking dated Enter the date of the general undertaking

Under national codes, insert the following codes between GEN13 and GEN16:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN14 Supporting evidence for UN goods is attached  
GEN15 Decorations and awards - evidence concerning award attached or declaration has been made on form C920 Enter the documentary evidence about the decoration or award

Under national codes, insert the following code between GEN16 and GEN18:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN17 To be advised  

Under national codes in GEN21, delete existing text. Replace with:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN21 Authorisation holder - enter the name and address of the approved state body/organisation who will be using the goods or is responsible for arranging for the goods to be used on their behalf, if other than named in box 8 of the entry declaration Enter the appropriate name and address details (if required)

Under national codes in GEN27, delete existing text. Replace with:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN27 Holders of a full Temporary Admission authorisation only. Only to be completed where the person using the goods is not the Temporary Admission authorisation holder (DE 3/16 and 3/39) Enter the name and address details of the party using the goods

Under national codes, insert the following codes between GEN36 and GEN43:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN41 To be advised  
GEN42 To be advised  


Under national codes GEN47 and GEN48 in ‘Description and usage of the code’, replace 1SE with 1ES.

Under national codes, insert the following code between GEN48 and GEN52:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
GEN51 AEO/ETSF authorisation/approval holders may move goods entered to CHIEF at the frontier to an ETSF for examination, only with Border Force authority Enter the ETSF shed code and the AEO authorisation number

Under national codes, insert the following code between GMSPR and IRQ0C:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
IRQ0A Request for delivery verification certificate and international information document  


Under national codes, insert the following codes between IRQ0C and MORC1:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
IRQ0D I/We request delivery on deposit of duty under Section 119 of the Customs and Excise management Act 1979, in view of the attached undertaking on form C&E 894  
IRQ0E Request for certification of additional copy invoices for butter/cheese from Holland  
IRQ0G Request for return of CT receipt  
IRQ0H Request for release of goods with disputed classification against security  

Under national codes, insert the following codes between PAL05 and PRO01:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
PAR06 Any imitation coin in this consignment is for smelting only. I request release under Section 119 of the Customs & Excise Management Act 1979 without payment of duty, under the importers general undertaking: TN Addendum B, paragraph 6  
PAR07 Any imitation coin in this consignment is for smelting only. I request release under Section 119 of the Customs & Excise Management Act 1979 without payment of duty, imported under Treasury Direction - BO 28861/69  
PAR09 Declaration that horse is not docked  
PAR10 This consignment contains produce of phytosanitary relevance  
PAR11 The wood in this consignment has been treated to a temperature of 176 degrees centigrade for 20 mins Enter the date of the general undertaking

Under national codes, insert the following codes between RED01 and RVAT1:

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
REV10 I/We declare that the goods are unfit for human consumption because of the presence of the constituent(s) named in the proportion stated in box 44 Enter the relevant details
REV11 I/We declare that the goods are unfit for human consumption because of the presence of the constituent(s) named in the proportion stated on the attached certificate  
REV13 Wine to be warehoused in the containers, account to be taken at import station  
REV14 I/We request that the particulars given on the attached certificate (Republic of Ireland form C&E 75) be accepted for the purpose of the import account  


Under national codes, insert the following codes between TOR01 and WHSRP

AI statement code to be declared Description and usage of code Details to be entered on the declaration
VAT03 The goods entered for the importers/consignees whose VAT registration numbers are shown on the attached invoices Authorisation by Customs Declaration only: Other agricultural goods. Note: PRO10 may only be used where AI code 00100 is also declared in DE 2/2 Enter ‘other agricultural goods’
VAT04 The goods are chargeable with VAT at a positive rate. The tax will either be paid outright or accounted for under the single duty deferment number quoted hereon and each consignee described on the attached forms C517 (and C517 continued if necessary) will be charged their proportion of the tax as shown on the forms  
VAT05 General undertaking dated lodged with local excise officer. Enter the date of the general undertaking

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