Changes to commodity codes
Commodity codes to be deleted, replaced and added for codes starting with 2009
Delete commodity codes:
2009 8111 10 - With an added sugar content not exceeding 30% by weight
Replace with:
With an added sugar content not exceeding 30% by weight:
- 2009 8111 11 - Powdered
- 2009 8111 19 - Other
Delete commodity codes:
2009 8111 90 - Other
Replace with:
- 2009 8111 91 - Powdered
- 2009 8111 99 - Other
- 2009 8119 10 - Powdered
- 2009 8119 90 - Other
Add commodity codes:
- 2009 8151 10 - Powdered
- 2009 8151 90 - Other
- 2009 8159 10 - Powdered
- 2009 8159 90 - Other
Commodity codes to be deleted, replaced and added for codes starting with 7318
Delete commodity codes:
7318 1290 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1290 11 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1290 19 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1290 90 - Other
Replace with:
- 7318 1290 91 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1290 99 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1491 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1491 11 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1491 19 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1491 90 - Other
Replace with:
- 7318 1491 91 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1491 99 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1499 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
For use in certain types of aircraft:
7318 1499 11 - Consigned from Malaysia 7318 1499 19 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1499 90 - Other
Replace with:
- 7318 1499 91 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1499 99 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1558 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type “Hi-Lok”):
- 7318 1558 11 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1558 19 - Other
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1558 61 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1558 79 - Other
7318 1558 81 - Consigned from Malaysia
Delete the following commodity code:
7318 1558 90 - Other
Replace with:
7318 1558 98 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1568 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type “Hi-Lok”):
- 7318 1568 11 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1568 19 - Other
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1568 61 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1568 79 - Other
7318 1568 81 - Consigned from Malaysia
Delete the following commodity code:
7318 1568 90 - Other
Replace with:
7318 1568 98 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1582 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
Self-locking bolts and nuts (of the type “Hi-Lok”):
- 7318 1582 11 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1582 19 - Other
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1582 61 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1582 79 - Other
7318 1582 81 - Consigned from Malaysia
Delete the following commodity code:
7318 1582 90 - Other
Replace with:
7318 1582 98 - Other
Delete the following commodity codes:
7318 1588 10 - For use in certain types of aircraft
Replace with:
For use in certain types of aircraft:
- 7318 1588 61 - Consigned from Malaysia
- 7318 1588 79 - Other
7318 1588 81 - Consigned from Malaysia
Delete the following commodity code:
7318 1588 90 - Other
Replace with:
7318 1588 98 - Other
Amend commodity codes:
7318 2100 31 - Consigned from Malaysia
Add commodity codes:
7318 2100 39 - Other
7318 2100 98 - Other
7318 2200 39 - Other
7318 2200 98 - Other
7318 2100 95 - Consigned from Malaysia
7318 2200 31 - Consigned from Malaysia
7318 2200 95 - Consigned from Malaysia
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