UK Integrated Online Tariff

Claim exemption on goods that have already left Russia or Belarus

In order to claim the exemption for goods that had already left Russia or Belarus prior to 25 March, as announced at, declarants need to ensure that they can evidence that goods have finished export formalities and left the territories of Russia and Belarus prior to 25 March.

They would then declare this on their import declaration in the following way:

  • For CDS, declarants should use document code 9008 in DE 2/3 to confirm they have evidence of export from the territories of Russia and Belarus.

  • For CHIEF, declarants should enter an A20 tax line (A20 in SAD box 47a (Tax Type code)) with a ‘DTY’ Tax Type override (in SAD box 47c).

    You should not enter any value into SAD box 47d (Amount) or SAD box 47e (Method of Payment), as there is no additional duty to be paid.

For more information, new guidance has been published in regard to additional duties on goods originating in Russia and Belarus.

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