Changes to appendix C11
The following amendments have been made to appendix C11 of the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) Tariff.
These amendments have been entered into effect on CHIEF and have been made following a review of procedures and to ensure alignment with the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) Tariff.
Document codes U164, U165, U166 and U167
Replace the text under ‘Details to be Declared’ with:
Use one of the following status codes (see Appendix C10 for definitions): AE, AF, AG, AP, AS, AT, GE, GP, JE, JP, LE, LP, UA, UE, UP, US, XA, XB
These codes are only applicable for countries of origin that are covered by the GSP and within the EU (for the purposes of bi-lateral cumulation and split consignments).
To facilitate any software changes that may result from these amendments, the status codes currently listed (RE/XO as appropriate) will remain valid on CHIEF against these documents until 1 February 2020.
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