UK Integrated Online Tariff

Changes to commodity codes (Tariff stop press notice 8)

Find out about the changes to commodity codes on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.

Changes to commodity codes

Delete commodity codes 8708 7099 15 and 8708 7099 90 and replace with:

8708 7099 20 - Fitted with pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121 - Road wheels of steel, whether or not with their accessories.

8708 7099 30 - Other

8708 7099 80 - Other: Road wheels of steel, whether or not with their accessories and whether or not fitted with tyres, designed for:

  • road tractors,
  • motor vehicles for the transport of persons and/or the transport of goods,
  • special purpose motor vehicles (for example, fire fighting vehicles, spraying lorries); excluding:
  • wheels for road quad bikes,
  • wheels for motor vehicles specifically designed for uses other than on public roads (for example, wheels for agricultural tractors or forestry tractors, for forklifts, for pushback tractors, for dumpers designed for off-highway use)

8708 7099 85 - Other

Delete commodity code 8716 9090 80 and replace with:

8716 9090 95 - Fitted with pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121 - Road wheels of steel, whether or not with their accessories.

8716 9090 96 - Other

8716 9090 97 - Other: Road wheels of steel, whether or not with their accessories and whether or not fitted with tyres.

8716 9090 98 - Other

Delete commodity code 7325991051.

These are already on Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system and will appear in the April Printed Tariff.

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