Changes to commodity codes
Delete the following commodity codes:
- 2309 9096 97
- 2309 9096 98
- 2918 1500 13
- 2933 2990 85
- 7307 1990 10
- 7307 1990 90
- 7325 9990 80
- 7409 1100 20
- 7410 1100 30
- 7609 0000 20
- 8414 9000 70
- 8484 8085 40
- 8482 9900 20
- 8483 3080 20
- 8714 1090 60
Insert the following commodity codes:
- 7307 1910 20 – Threaded, of spheroidal graphite cast iron, excluding bodies of compression fittings using ISO DIN 13 metric thread
- 7309 9096 95 – Other
- 7317 0020 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 7317 0020 90 – Other
- 7617 0060 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 7317 0060 90 – Other
- 7317 0080 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 7317 0080 90 – Other
- 7325 9910 60 – Spheroidal graphite cast iron (also known as ductile cast iron), and parts thereof, of a kind used to both:
- cover ground or sub-surfaces systems or openings to ground or sub-surface systems or both
- give access to ground or sub-surface systems or provide view to ground or sub-surface systems or both
- 7325 9910 90 – Other
- 7326 2000 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 7616 1000 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 8308 1000 40 – Staples, whether or not in strips or in coils, hog rings, whether or not in strips, brad nails in strips, and pins in strips; of steel wire, whether or not coated, of aluminium alloy wire, or of stainless steel wire; designed for joining or holding together materials or objects
- 8308 1000 90 – Other
Delete commodity code 8101 9910 10 - Tungsten bars and rods for welding electrodes, containing 94% or more by weight of tungsten, whether or not cut to length and replace with:
- Tungsten bars and rods for welding electrodes, containing 94% or more by weight of tungsten, whether or not cut to length:
- 8101 9910 11 – Consigned from Laos
- 8101 9910 12 – Consigned from Thailand
- 8101 9910 13 – Consigned from India
- 8101 9910 20 – Other
Delete commodity code 8515 9080 10 – Tungsten welding electrodes, including tungsten bars and rods for welding electrodes, containing 94% or more by weight of tungsten, other than those obtained simply by sintering, whether or not cut to length and replace with:
- Tungsten welding electrodes, including tungsten bars and rods for welding electrodes, containing 94% or more by weight of tungsten, other than those obtained simply by sintering, whether or not cut to length:
- 8515 90 80 11 – Consigned from Laos
- 8515 90 80 12 – Consigned from Thailand
- 8515 90 80 13 – Consigned from India
- 8515 90 80 20 – Other
These will be on Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) from 1 February 2020.
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