Changes to commodity codes
Add the following codes:
- 3602000010
Free flowing porous prills predominantly based on ammonium nitrate with the following composition (in percentage by weight):
ammonium nitrate >99,4
total nitrogen >34,5
anionic polymer 0,28
coating 0,08
The oil absorption of the prills is >10 % by weight
The prills have a bulk density of 0,72 g /cm³
Free flowing porous prills predominantly based on ammonium nitrate with the following composition (in percentage by weight):
ammonium nitrate >99
total nitrogen >34,5
magnesium nitrate 0,4
mixture of diammonium phosphate, ammonium sulphate and boric acid 0,06
coating 0,08
The oil absorption of the prills is >7 % by weight
The prills have a bulk density of 0,80 g /cm³
3602 0000 90 - Other
CHIEF has been updated.
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