Changes to commodity codes
Delete commodity code: 6307 9098 10 - Nonwovens (TEXT 096)
Add the following codes:
- 6307 9098 11 – Filtering facepieces FFP2 and FFP3 according to EN149, and other masks filtering at least 94 % of 0.3 micron particles
- 6307 9098 13 – Filtering facepieces FFP1 according to EN149, and other masks filtering at least 80 % of 0.3 micron particles
- 6307 9098 15 – Medical face masks according to EN14683, and other masks filtering at least 95 % of 3.0 micron particles
- 6307 9098 17 – Other
- 6307 9098 19 – Other
CHIEF has been updated.
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