UK Integrated Online Tariff

Changes to commodity codes (Tariff stop press notice 20)

Find out about the changes to commodity codes on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system

Changes to commodity codes

Insert the following commodity code:

1604 1431 10

Fillets known as ‘lions’

1604 1431 90


Change the text on the following commodity code:

  • 2007 9997 30

Fruit purées obtained by sieving then brought to the boil in a vacuum, the texture and chemical composition of which have not been changed by the heat treatment.

Delete the following commodity codes:

  • 2207 1000 12
  • 2207 1000 17

and replace with:

  • 2207 1000 11

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376.

Delete the following commodity codes:

  • 2207 2000 12
  • 2207 2000 17

and replace with:

  • 2207 2000 11

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376, but including ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), contained in blends with gasoline with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 10% (v/v).

Delete the following commodity codes:

  • 2208 9099 12
  • 2208 9099 17

and replace with:

  • 2208 9099 11

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376.

Insert the following commodity code:

  • 3814 0010 10

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), denatured or undenatured, excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376, but including ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), contained in blends with gasoline with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 10% (v/v).

Please delete the following commodity codes:

  • 3814 0090 71
  • 3814 0090 79

and replace with:

  • 3814 0090 70

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), denatured or undenatured, excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376, but including ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), contained in blends with gasoline with an ethyl alcohol content of more than 10% (v/v).

Delete the following commodity codes:

  • 3820 0000 11
  • 3820 0000 19

and replace with:

  • 3820 0000 10

Ethyl alcohol produced from agricultural products (as listed in Annex I to the Treaty on Functioning of the European Union), denatured or undenatured, excluding products with a water content of more than 0.3% (m/m) measured according to the standard EN 15376.

Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8504 4088 99

and replace with:

  • 8504 4088 90


Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8507 1020 99

and replace with:

  • 8507 1020 90


Please delete the following commodity code:

  • 8518 2995 99

and replace with:

  • 8518 2995 90


Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8518 4080 99

and replace with:

  • 8518 4080 90


Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8536 5011 99

and replace with:

8536 5011 90


Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8536 5019 99

and replace with:

  • 8536 5019 90


Delete the following commodity code:

  • 8536 5080 99

and replace with:

  • 8536 5080 90


Delete the following commodity codes:

  • 2210 1221 11
  • 2210 1221 19
  • 2210 1221 90
  • 2210 1225 11
  • 2210 1225 19
  • 2210 1225 90
  • 2210 1231 11
  • 2210 1231 19
  • 2210 1231 90
  • 2210 1241 11
  • 2210 1241 19
  • 2210 1241 90
  • 2210 1245 11
  • 2210 1245 19
  • 2210 1245 90
  • 2210 1249 11
  • 2210 1249 19
  • 2210 1249 90
  • 2210 1250 11
  • 2210 1250 19
  • 2210 1250 90
  • 2210 1270 11
  • 2210 1270 19
  • 2210 1270 90
  • 2210 1290 11
  • 2210 1290 19
  • 2210 1290 90
  • 2820 1000 10
  • 2820 1000 90
  • 2926 9070 12
  • 3208 9019 20
  • 3506 9110 10
  • 3506 9110 40
  • 3506 9110 50
  • 3815 1200 20
  • 3815 1200 30
  • 3913 9000 10
  • 3913 9000 93

These will appear on CHIEF on 1 July 2019 and in the August printed Tariff.

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