UK Integrated Online Tariff

Changes to commodity codes in chapters 03 and 70 (Tariff stop press notice 12)

Find out about the changes to commodity codes on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.

Changes to the commodity codes

Please change the text on the following commodity codes:

Commodity code New text
0302 9100 50 Hard fish roes enclosed in the ovarian membrane for processing.
0303 9190 91 Hard fish roes enclosed in the ovarian membrane for processing.
0305 2000 30 Hard fish roes enclosed in the ovarian membrane for processing.

Commodity codes to be deleted and replaced

Delete 7019 3900 90 and replace with:

  • 7019 3900 80 - Other: Fabrics of stitched continuous filament glass fibre rovings or yarns, excluding products which are impregnated or pre-impregnated (pre-preg)
  • 7019 3900 85 - Other

Delete 7019 4000 99 and replace with:

  • 7019 4000 80 - Other: Fabrics of stitched continuous filament glass fibre rovings or yarns, excluding products which are impregnated or pre-impregnated (pre-preg)
  • 7019 4000 85 - Other

Delete 7019 5900 90 and replace with:

  • 7019 5900 80 - Other: Fabrics of stitched continuous filament glass fibre rovings or yarns, excluding products which are impregnated or pre-impregnated (pre-preg)
  • 7019 5900 85 - Other

Delete 7019 9000 90 and replace with:

  • 7019 9000 80 - Other: Fabrics of stitched continuous filament glass fibre rovings or yarns, excluding products which are impregnated or pre-impregnated (pre-preg)
  • 7019 9000 85 - Other

Delete 7325 9990 80.

These are already on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system and will appear in the May Printed Tariff.

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