Changes to commodity codes
Change the text on the following commodity codes:
8708 70 10 50 - Other
Change the text to:
Other: Road wheels of steel, whether or not with their accessories and whether or not fitted with tyres, for the industrial assembly of:
- vehicles of heading 8703
- vehicles of heading 8704 with either a compression-ignition internal combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel) of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 500 cm3 or with a spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 2 800 cm3
- vehicles of heading 8705
Change the text on the following commodity codes:
8708 70 10 85 - replace text with: Other
8708 70 10 92: replace text with: Other: fitted with pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121
8708 70 10 95: replace text with: Other
These are already on Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) and will appear in the June Printed Tariff.
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