UK Integrated Online Tariff

Changes to commodity codes for cast iron products (Tariff stop press notice 7)

Find out about the changes to commodity codes for certain cast iron products on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.

Changes to the commodity codes

Delete commodity code 7307 1990 00 and replace with:

7307 1990 10 - Threaded, of spheroidal cast iron, excluding bodies of compression fittings using ISO DIN 13 metric thread and circular junction boxes without having a lid.

7307 1990 90 - Other

Insert the commodity code:

7325999080 - Spheroidal graphite cast iron (also known as ductile cast iron), and parts thereof, of a kind used to:

  • cover ground or sub-surfaces systems, and/or openings to ground or sub-surface systems, and also
  • give access to ground or sub-surface systems and/or provide view to ground or sub-surface systems

These are already on the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight system and will appear in the April printed tariff.

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