Changes to commodity codes
Delete the following commodity code:
- 2850 0060 90
Replace the commodity code with:
- 2850 0060 91 – Calcium silicon – a chemical compound that contains by weight 16% or more of calcium, 45% or more of silicon, less than 14% of iron and not more than 10% of any other element; whether or not presented in bulk, packaged in bags or in steel drums, enclosed in steel sheets (or cored wire), or otherwise presented sheets (or cored wire), or otherwise presented
- 2850 0060 95 - Other
Add the following commodity codes:
- 3906 9090 17 – Superabsorbent polymers, insoluble in water, which result from a polymerization of acrylic monomer molecules with crosslinkers to form crosslinked polymer networks, with a high capacity to absorb and retain water and aqueous liquids
- 7202 9980 30 – Calcium-silicon – an alloy that contains by weight 16% or more of calcium, 45% or more of silicon, not less than 4% but less than 14% of iron and not more than 10% of any other element; whether or not presented in bulk, packaged in bags or in steel drums, enclosed in steel sheets (or cored wired), or otherwise presented
- 8545 1100 15 – Graphite electrodes of a kind used for electric furnaces, with an apparent density of 1,5g/cm³ or more and an electrical resistance of 7.0 μΩ.m or less
- 8545 9090 15 – Nipples used for graphite electrodes of a kind used for electric furnaces, with an apparent density of 1,5 g/cm³ or more and an electrical resistance of 7.0 μΩ.m or less
Chief has been updated.
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