This notice explains changes that have been made to the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system.
Changes to commodity codes
Delete the following code:
- 2710 1221 10
- 2710 1221 90
- 2710 1225 10
- 2710 1231 10
- 2710 1231 90
- 2710 1241 10
- 2710 1241 90
- 2710 1245 10
- 2710 1245 90
- 2710 1249 10
- 2710 1249 90
- 2710 1250 10
- 2710 1250 90
- 2710 1270 10
- 2710 1270 90
- 2710 1290 10
- 2710 1290 90
- 2909 1910 10
- 2909 1910 90
CHIEF has been updated, Tariff online will be updated shortly.
More information
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